← 国際規格・標準コード一覧解説 目次へ戻る

 UNSPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) は国際連合開発計画(UNDP: United Nations Development Programme)が定める「製品やサービスの分類を規定するコード体系」です。



(UNSPSC Version 23.0701)

階層レベル 分類番号 分類名
43000000 Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications
43200000 Components for information technology or broadcasting or telecommunications
43201500 System boards processors interfaces or modules
43201501 Asynchronous transfer mode ATM telecommunications interface cards



UNSPSC一覧表は下記でダウンロードできます(Excel版は最新版で250USDですが、PDF版は無料)でダウンロードできます。最新版はversion 27の英語版で2020年8月に更新・公開されています。日本語版はversion 15が最新版です。






UNSPSC 製品やサービス
25151700 Satellites(人工衛星) – クラスレベルでの全般指定
25151701 Communication satellites(通信用人工衛星)
25151702 Weather satellites(気象用人工衛星)
25151703 Military satellites(軍事用人工衛星)
25151704 Scientific or research satellites(学術調査用人工衛星)
25151705 Navigation satellites(GPS用人工衛星)
25151706 Geostationary satellites(静止衛星)
25151707 Low earth orbit satellites(低高度衛星)
25151708 Sun synchronous orbit satellites(太陽同期衛星)
25151709 Geosynchronous satellites(地球同期衛星)
32101655 Satellite digital audio radio service integrated circuit
41114414 Meteorological satellite receiving equipment
41114418 Meteorological satellite data receiving and analyzing system
43191514 Satellite phone(衛星電話)
43221710 Satellite core equipment(人工衛星用機器)
43221711 Satellite access equipment
43221712 Satellite antennas
43232619 Satellite image treatment software
52161526 Satellite receivers
71151004 Oilfield satellite well data transmission services
72151608 Satellite system maintenance or repair service
72151609 Satellite system hub support service
78102001 Satellite launch services(人工衛星打ち上げサービス)
81151605 Satellite imaging and image processing service
83111602 Satellite or earth communication systems services
UNSPSC en (ja)
10000000 Live Plant and Animal Material and Accessories and Supplies (生植物(植木)、動物の資材、付属品および供給品)
10100000 Live animals (生きた動物)
10110000 Domestic pet products (家庭用ぺット製品)
10120000 Animal feed (動物用飼料)
10130000 Animal containment and habitats (動物用格納容器および小屋 )
10140000 Saddlery and harness goods (馬具および引き具)
10150000 Seeds and bulbs and seedlings and cuttings (種子、球根、苗木および切り枝)
10160000 Floriculture and silviculture products (草花栽培および造林)
10170000 Fertilizers and plant nutrients and herbicides (肥料、植物用栄養剤および除草剤)
10190000 Pest control products (害虫駆除製品)
10200000 Live rose bushes (生花ローズブッシュ(バラの木))
10210000 Live plants of high species or variety count flowers (高等種生植物(植木)または各種花)
10220000 Live plants of low species or variety count flowers (下等種生植物(植木)または各種花)
10230000 Live chrysanthemums (生花クリサンセマム(キク))
10240000 Live carnations (生花カーネーション)
10250000 Live orchids (生花蘭)
10300000 Fresh cut rose (新鮮なバラ(切花))
10310000 Fresh cut blooms of high species or variety count flowers (新鮮な高等花種(切花)または各種花)
10320000 Fresh cut blooms of low species or variety count flowers (新鮮な下等花種(切花)または各種花)
10330000 Fresh cut chrysanthemums (新鮮なクリサンセマム(切花))
10340000 Fresh cut floral bouquets (新鮮なフローラル・ブーケ(切花))
10350000 Fresh cut carnations (新鮮なカーネーション(切花))
10360000 Fresh cut orchids (新鮮な蘭(切花))
10400000 Dried cut roses (ドライ・バラ(切り花))
10410000 Dried cut blooms of high species or variety count flowers (ドライ高等花種(切花)または各種花)
10420000 Dried cut blooms of low species or variety count flowers (ドライ下等花種(切花)または各種花)
10430000 Dried cut chrysanthemums (ドライ・クリサンセマム(切花))
10440000 Dried cut carnations (ドライ・カーネーション(切花))
10450000 Dried cut orchids (ドライ蘭(切花))
10500000 Fresh cut greenery (新鮮な草木)
11000000 Mineral and Textile and Inedible Plant and Animal Materials (鉱物、繊維、非食用の植物および動物の資材)
11100000 Minerals and ores and metals (鉱物、鉱石および金属)
11110000 Earth and stone (土および石 )
11120000 Non edible plant and forestry products (非食用植物および林産物)
11130000 Non edible animal products (非食用動物製品)
11140000 Scrap and waste materials (スクラップおよび廃棄物)
11150000 Fibers and threads and yarns (繊維、糸および毛糸)
11160000 Fabrics and leather materials (織物および皮革材料)
11170000 Alloys (合金)
11180000 Metal oxide (金属酸化物)
11190000 Metal waste scrap and by products (金属廃棄物スクラップおよび副産物)
12000000 Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials (生物化学品および気体資源を含む化学品)
12130000 Explosive materials (爆発物)
12140000 Elements and gases (元素およびガス)
12160000 Additives (添加物)
12170000 Colorants (着色料)
12180000 Waxes and oils (ワックスおよびオイル)
12190000 Solvents (溶剤)
12350000 Compounds and mixtures (化合物および混合物)
13000000 Resin and Rosin and Rubber and Foam and Film and Elastomeric Materials (樹脂、ロジン、ゴム、発泡体、フィルムおよびエラストマー(弾性体資材[天然ゴム・合成ゴムなど])用品)
13100000 Rubber and elastomers (ゴムおよびエラストマー)
13110000 Resins and rosins and other resin derived materials (樹脂、ロジンおよびその他の樹脂派生材料)
14000000 Paper Materials and Products (紙原材料および紙製品)
14100000 Paper materials (紙原材料)
14110000 Paper products (紙製品)
14120000 Industrial use papers (工業用紙)
15000000 Fuels and Fuel Additives and Lubricants and Anti corrosive Materials (燃料、燃料添加物、潤滑剤および防食剤)
15100000 Fuels (燃料)
15110000 Gaseous fuels and additives (ガス状燃料および添加物)
15120000 Lubricants and oils and greases and anti corrosives (潤滑剤、オイル、グリースおよび腐食防止剤)
15130000 Fuel for nuclear reactors (原子炉燃料)
20000000 Mining and Well Drilling Machinery and Accessories (鉱山機械および付属品)
20100000 Mining and quarrying machinery and equipment (鉱山および採石機械設備)
20110000 Well drilling and operation equipment (削井および操作機械)
20120000 Oil and gas drilling and exploration equipment (石油とガスの掘削および探鉱用機械設備)
20130000 Oil and gas drilling and operation materials (石油とガス堀削および操作資材)
20140000 Oil and gas operating and production equipment (オイルおよびガス操作および製造機械)
21000000 Farming and Fishing and Forestry and Wildlife Machinery and Accessories (農業、漁業、林業、野生生物装置類および付属品)
21100000 Agricultural and forestry and landscape machinery and equipment (農業、林業、造園装置類)
21110000 Fishing and aquaculture equipment (釣りおよび養殖設備)
22000000 Building and Construction Machinery and Accessories (ビル、建築機械類および付属品)
22100000 Heavy construction machinery and equipment (建設用重機)
23000000 Industrial Manufacturing and Processing Machinery and Accessories (産業製造処理機械類および付属品)
23100000 Raw materials processing machinery (原材料加工機械類)
23110000 Petroleum processing machinery (石油加工機械類 )
23120000 Textile and fabric machinery and accessories (テキスタイルおよびファブリック機械類および付属品)
23130000 Lapidary machinery and equipment (宝石加工機械設備)
23140000 Leatherworking repairing machinery and equipment (皮革加工修理機械類および設備)
23150000 Industrial process machinery and equipment and supplies (工業加工用機械設備および供給品)
23160000 Foundry machines and equipment and supplies (鋳造機械設備および供給品)
23180000 Industrial food and beverage equipment (食品および飲料産業機械設備)
23190000 Mixers and their parts and accessories (ミキサー、部品および付属品)
23200000 Mass transfer equipment (大量輸送設備)
23210000 Electronic manufacturing machinery and equipment and accessories (電子製造機械設備および付属品)
23220000 Chicken processing machinery and equipment (鶏肉加工機械設備)
23230000 Sawmilling and lumber processing machinery and equipment (製材加工機械設備)
23240000 Metal cutting machinery and accessories (工作機械および付属品)
23250000 Metal forming machinery and accessories (金属成形機および付属品)
23260000 Rapid prototyping machinery and accessories (ラピッドプロトタイピング機および付属品)
23270000 Welding and soldering and brazing machinery and accessories and supplies (溶接機、はんだ付け機、ろう付け機および付属品や用品)
23280000 Metal treatment machinery (金属処理機械)
23290000 Industrial machine tools (産業用工作機械)
23300000 Wire machinery and equipment (ワイヤー装置)
24000000 Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and Supplies (資材運搬、調整および貯蔵用機械、付属品および供給品)
24100000 Material handling machinery and equipment (資材運搬用機械類および設備)
24110000 Containers and storage (コンテナおよぴ貯蔵庫)
24120000 Packaging materials (梱包材)
24130000 Industrial refrigeration (産業用冷却)
24140000 Packing supplies (こん包供給品)
25000000 Commercial and Military and Private Vehicles and their Accessories and Components (商業用、軍事用、個人用の乗り物、それらの付属品および部品)
25100000 Motor vehicles (自動車)
25110000 Marine transport (海上輸送)
25120000 Railway and tramway machinery and equipment (鉄道および路面鉄道機械および設備)
25130000 Aircraft (航空機)
25150000 Spacecraft (宇宙船)
25160000 Non motorized cycles (非動力式二輪車)
25170000 Transportation components and systems (輸送用コンポーネントおよびシステム)
25180000 Vehicle bodies and trailers (車両本体およびトレーラー)
25190000 Transportation services equipment (輸送サービス機械設備)
25200000 Aerospace systems and components and equipment (航空宇宙システム、コンポーネントおよび機械設備)
26000000 Power Generation and Distribution Machinery and Accessories (発電、配電機械および付属品)
26100000 Power sources (動力源)
26110000 Batteries and generators and kinetic power transmission (バッテリー、発電機および伝動装置)
26120000 Electrical wire and cable and harness (電気ワイヤー、ケーブルおよび配管)
26130000 Power generation (発電)
26140000 Atomic and nuclear energy machinery and equipment (原子および核エネルギー機械設備)
27000000 Tools and General Machinery (ツールおよび一般機器)
27110000 Hand tools (ハンド・ツール)
27120000 Hydraulic machinery and equipment (油圧式機械設備)
27130000 Pneumatic machinery and equipment (空気機械および設備)
27140000 Automotive specialty tools (自動車特殊工具)
30000000 Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components and Supplies (構造、建造、建築の建設用資材および供給品)
30100000 Structural components and basic shapes (構造部品および基礎型材)
30110000 Concrete and cement and plaster (コンクリート、セメントおよび石こう)
30120000 Roads and landscape (道路および景観)
30130000 Structural building products (構造建造製品)
30140000 Insulation (絶縁材)
30150000 Exterior finishing materials (外装材)
30160000 Interior finishing materials (内装仕上げ材)
30170000 Doors and windows and glass (ドア、扉、窓およびガラス)
30180000 Plumbing fixtures (配管備品)
30190000 Construction and maintenance support equipment (建設および保守支援機器)
30240000 Portable Structure Building Components (簡易構造物建築部材)
30250000 Underground mining structures and materials (地下採掘構造および資材)
30260000 Structural materials (構造材料)
31000000 Manufacturing Components and Supplies (製造用部品および供給品)
31100000 Castings and casting assemblies (鋳物および鋳物アセンブリ)
31110000 Extrusions (押出し品)
31120000 Machined castings (鋳物(機械加工))
31130000 Forgings (鍛造品)
31140000 Moldings (鋳型)
31150000 Rope and chain and cable and wire and strap (ロープ、チェーン、ケーブル、ワイヤおよびひも)
31160000 Hardware (金物類)
31170000 Bearings and bushings and wheels and gears (ベアリング、ブッシング、車輪およびギア)
31180000 Packings glands boots and covers (パッキングランドブーツおよびカバー)
31190000 Grinding and polishing and smoothing materials (研磨材、つやだし材および平滑材)
31200000 Adhesives and sealants (接着剤およびシーリング材)
31210000 Paints and primers and finishes (塗料、プライマーおよび仕上剤)
31220000 Dyeing and tanning extracts (染色・なめし抽出物)
31230000 Machined raw stock (ローストック(機械加工))
31240000 Industrial optics (工業用レンズ)
31250000 Pneumatic and hydraulic and electric control systems (空気圧、油圧および電気制御システム)
31260000 Housings and cabinets and casings (ハウジング、キャビネットおよびケーシング)
31270000 Machine made parts (機械製パーツ)
31280000 Stampings and sheet components (プレス加工および薄板コンポーネント)
31290000 Machined extrusions (押出し品(機械加工))
31300000 Machined forgings (鍛造品(機械加工))
31310000 Fabricated pipe assemblies (組立管アセンブリ)
31320000 Fabricated bar stock assemblies (組立バーストック・アセンブリ)
31330000 Fabricated structural assemblies (構造アセンブリ)
31340000 Fabricated sheet assemblies (組立シート・アセンブリ)
31350000 Fabricated tube assemblies (組立チューブ・アセンブリ)
31360000 Fabricated plate assemblies (組立プレート・アセンブリ)
31370000 Refractories (耐火材)
31380000 Magnets and magnetic materials (磁石および磁気材料)
31390000 Machinings (機械加工)
31400000 Gaskets (ガスケット)
31410000 Seals (シール(充填材))
31420000 Sintered parts (焼結用部品)
32000000 Electronic Components and Supplies (電子部品および供給品)
32100000 Printed circuits and integrated circuits and microassemblies (プリント回路、集積回路およびマイクロ組立部品)
32110000 Discrete semiconductor devices (半導体素子)
32120000 Passive discrete components (受動部品)
32130000 Electronic hardware and component parts and accessories (電子ハードウェア、部品および付属品)
32140000 Electron tube devices and accessories (電子管デバイスおよび付属品)
32150000 Automation control devices and components and accessories (自動車制御装置および部品および付属品)
39000000 Electrical Systems and Lighting and Components and Accessories and Supplies (電気システムと照明および部品、付属品、供給品)
39100000 Lamps and lightbulbs and lamp components (電球、白熱電球および電球部品)
39110000 Lighting Fixtures and Accessories (照明器具および付属品)
39120000 Electrical equipment and components and supplies (電気機器、部品および供給品)
39130000 Electrical wire management devices and accessories and supplies (電線管理装置、付属品、用品)
40000000 Distribution and Conditioning Systems and Equipment and Components (給気、空調システムおよび機器と部品)
40100000 Heating and ventilation and air circulation (暖房、換気および空気清浄)
40140000 Fluid and gas distribution (液体および気体配給)
40150000 Industrial pumps and compressors (工業用ポンプおよび圧縮機)
40160000 Industrial filtering and purification (工業濾過および精製)
40170000 Pipe piping and pipe fittings (配管および管取付、導管敷設)
40180000 Tubes tubing and tube fittings (チューブおよび継手)
41000000 Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment (ラボ用、計量、および観察、試験機器)
41100000 Laboratory and scientific equipment (ラボ用および科学用機器)
41110000 Measuring and observing and testing instruments (測定、監視および試験器具)
41120000 Laboratory supplies and fixtures (ラボ用供給品およびフィクスチャ)
42000000 Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies (医療機器および付属品と供給品)
42120000 Veterinary equipment and supplies (獣医科用機器および供給品)
42130000 Medical apparel and textiles (医療用衣服・繊維用品)
42140000 Patient care and treatment products and supplies (患者介護・治療関連用品・予備品)
42150000 Dental equipment and supplies (歯科装備およびその予備品)
42160000 Dialysis equipment and supplies (透析装置および供給品)
42170000 Emergency and field medical services products (救急および現場医療サービス用品)
42180000 Patient exam and monitoring products (患者の検査およびモニタリング用品)
42190000 Medical facility products (医療設備用品)
42200000 Medical diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine products (医療用画像診断および核医学用品)
42210000 Independent living aids for the physically challenged (身体障害者自立支援用品)
42220000 Intravenous and arterial administration products (静脈および動脈管理用品)
42230000 Clinical nutrition (臨床栄養補給)
42240000 Orthopedic and prosthetic and sports medicine products (整形外科、義肢およびスポーツ医学用品)
42250000 Physical and occupational therapy and rehabilitation products (理学療法、作業療法およびリハビリテーション用品)
42260000 Postmortem and mortuary equipment and supplies (検死および死体安置器具および供給品)
42270000 Respiratory and anesthesia and resuscitation products (呼吸、麻酔および蘇生用品)
42280000 Medical sterilization products (医療用滅菌用品)
42290000 Surgical products (外科(手術)用品)
42310000 Wound care products (創傷治療用品)
42320000 Orthopedic surgical implants (整形外科手術による移植)
43000000 Information Technology Broadcasting and Telecommunications (情報技術ブロードキャスティングおよび電気通信)
43190000 Communications Devices and Accessories (通信装置および付属品)
43200000 Components for information technology or broadcasting or telecommunications (情報技術、ブロードキャスティングおよび電気通信の部品)
43210000 Computer Equipment and Accessories (コンピュータ機器および付属品)
43220000 Data Voice or Multimedia Network Equipment or Platforms and Accessories (データ音声、マルチメディア・ネットワーク機器、プラットフォームおよび付属品)
43230000 Software (ソフトウェア)
44000000 Office Equipment and Accessories and Supplies (事務用機器、付属品および供給品)
44100000 Office machines and their supplies and accessories (事務機、供給品および付属品)
44110000 Office and desk accessories (オフィスおよびデスク・付属品)
44120000 Office supplies (オフィス用供給品)
45000000 Printing and Photographic and Audio and Visual Equipment and Supplies (印刷、写真、オーディオおよびビジュアル機器と供給品)
45100000 Printing and publishing equipment (印刷および出版機器)
45110000 Audio and visual presentation and composing equipment (オーディオおよびビジュアル・プレゼンテーション、制作機器)
45120000 Photographic or filming or video equipment (写真、撮影、ビデオ機器)
45130000 Photographic and recording media (写真および録音媒体)
45140000 Photographic filmmaking supplies (写真撮影用供給品)
46000000 Defense and Law Enforcement and Security and Safety Equipment and Supplies (防衛、法執行、警備、および安全機器と供給品)
46100000 Light weapons and ammunition (軽い武器および弾薬)
46110000 Conventional war weapons (通常戦争用武器)
46120000 Missiles (ミサイル)
46130000 Rockets and subsystems (ロケットおよびサブシステム)
46140000 Launchers (発射台)
46150000 Law enforcement (法執行)
46160000 Public safety and control (公衆安全および制御)
46170000 Security surveillance and detection (セキュリティ監視用品および検知器)
46180000 Personal safety and protection (個人安全および保護)
46190000 Fire protection (防火)
46200000 Defense and law enforcement and security and safety training equipment (防衛、法執行、警備、および安全トレーニング機器)
46210000 Workplace safety equipment and supplies and training materials (作業場安全装置および機器および教材)
47000000 Cleaning Equipment and Supplies (クリーニング装置および供給品)
47100000 Water and wastewater treatment supply and disposal (上水および下水処理用供給品および廃水)
47110000 Industrial laundry and dry cleaning equipment (業務用ランドリおよびドライクリーニング機器)
47120000 Janitorial equipment (清掃器具)
47130000 Cleaning and janitorial supplies (清掃用供給品)
48000000 Service Industry Machinery and Equipment and Supplies (サービス産業用機械、機器および供給品)
48100000 Institutional food services equipment (フードサービス機器)
48110000 Vending machines (自動販売機)
48120000 Gambling or wagering equipment (カジノ用機器)
48130000 Funeral equipment and materials (葬儀用機器および器具)
49000000 Sports and Recreational Equipment and Supplies and Accessories (スポーツおよびレクレーション用品と供給品および付属品)
49100000 Collectibles and awards (収集品および賞品)
49120000 Camping and outdoor equipment and accessories (キャンプおよびアウトドア用品と付属品)
49130000 Fishing and hunting equipment (釣りおよび狩猟用品)
49140000 Watersports equipment (水上スポーツ用品)
49150000 Winter sports equipment (ウィンタースポーツ用品)
49160000 Field and court sports equipment (フィールドおよびコート・スポーツ用具)
49170000 Gymnastics and boxing equipment (トレーニングジムおよびボクシング用品)
49180000 Target and table games and equipment (ターゲットおよびテーブル・ゲーム用品)
49200000 Fitness equipment (フィットネス用品)
49210000 Other sports (その他のスポーツ)
49220000 Sports equipment and accessories (スポーツ用品および付属品)
49240000 Recreation and playground and swimming and spa equipment and supplies (リクレーション、遊園地、プールおよびスパ用品と供給品)
50000000 Food Beverage and Tobacco Products (食料品、飲料およびタバコ製品)
50100000 Nuts and seeds (果実、野菜および種実類)
50110000 Meat and poultry products (肉類および家禽製品)
50120000 Seafood (海産食品)
50130000 Dairy products and eggs (酪農品および鳥卵)
50150000 Edible oils and fats (食用油脂)
50160000 Chocolate and sugars and sweeteners and confectionary products (チョコレート、糖類、甘味料および菓子製品)
50170000 Seasonings and preservatives (調味料および保存料)
50180000 Bread and bakery products (パンおよびベーカリー製品)
50190000 Prepared and preserved foods (調理済み食品および保存食品)
50200000 Beverages (飲料水)
50210000 Tobacco and smoking products and substitutes (タバコ、喫煙用品および代用品)
50220000 Cereal and pulse products (穀類および豆類の製品)
50300000 Fresh fruits (生鮮果実)
50310000 Organic fresh fruits (有機新鮮果物)
50320000 Dried fruit (乾燥冷凍果実)
50330000 Dried organic fruit (乾燥有機冷凍果実)
50340000 Frozen fruit (冷凍果実)
50350000 Frozen organic fruit (冷凍有機果実)
50360000 Canned or jarred fruit (缶詰または瓶詰めの冷凍果実 )
50370000 Canned or jarred organic fruit (缶詰または瓶詰めの有機冷凍果実)
50380000 Pureed fruit (フルーツピューレ)
50400000 Fresh vegetables (生鮮野菜)
50410000 Organic fresh vegetables (有機新鮮野菜)
50420000 Dried vegetables (乾燥冷凍野菜)
50430000 Dried organic vegetables (乾燥有機冷凍野菜)
50440000 Frozen vegetables (冷凍野菜)
50450000 Frozen organic vegetables (冷凍有機野菜)
50460000 Canned or jarred vegetables (缶詰または瓶詰めの冷凍野菜)
50470000 Canned or jarred organic vegetables (缶詰または瓶詰めの有機冷凍野菜)
51000000 Drugs and Pharmaceutical Products (薬および製薬製品)
51100000 Anti infective drugs (抗感染症薬)
51110000 Antineoplastic agents (抗腫瘍薬)
51120000 Cardiovascular drugs (心疾患薬)
51130000 Hematolic drugs (血液関連薬)
51140000 Central nervous system drugs (中枢神経系作用薬)
51150000 Autonomic nervous system drugs (自律神経系薬)
51160000 Drugs affecting the respiratory tract (呼吸器に影響する薬)
51170000 Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system (胃腸系に影響する薬)
51180000 Hormones and hormone antagonists (ホルモン剤およびホルモン拮抗剤)
51190000 Agents affecting water and electrolytes (水と電解質に影響する薬剤)
51200000 Immunomodulating drugs (免疫調節薬)
51210000 Miscellaneous drug categories (その他の薬剤類)
51240000 Drugs affecting the ears, eye, nose and skin (耳、目、鼻および皮膚に影響する薬)
51250000 Veterinary nutritional supplement (動物用栄養補助食品)
52000000 Domestic Appliances and Supplies and Consumer Electronic Products (家庭用電化製品、供給品および消費者向け電子製品)
52100000 Floor coverings (床の敷物)
52120000 Bedclothes and table and kitchen linen and towels (寝具、テーブルおよび台所用リネン製品およびタオル)
52130000 Window treatments (ウィンドウトリートメント)
52140000 Domestic appliances (家庭用電化製品)
52150000 Domestic kitchenware and kitchen supplies (家庭用台所用品および台所器具)
52160000 Consumer electronics (民生電子製品)
52170000 Domestic wall treatments (家庭用室内壁用品)
53000000 Apparel and Luggage and Personal Care Products (衣服、手荷物類および衛生用品)
53100000 Clothing (衣類)
53110000 Footwear (履き物)
53120000 Luggage and handbags and packs and cases (カバン、ハンドバッグ、リュックおよびケース)
53130000 Personal care products (衛生用品)
53140000 Sewing supplies and accessories (裁縫用供給品と付属品)
54000000 Timepieces and Jewelry and Gemstone Products (時計、宝石および貴石)
54100000 Jewelry (宝飾品)
54110000 Timepieces (時計類)
54120000 Gemstones (宝石原石)
55000000 Published Products (出版物)
55100000 Printed media (印刷媒体)
55110000 Electronic reference material (電子的参考資料)
55120000 Signage and accessories (表示および付属品)
56000000 Furniture and Furnishings (家具および備え付け家具)
56100000 Accommodation furniture (宿泊施設家具)
56110000 Commercial and industrial furniture (業務および産業用家具)
56120000 Classroom and instructional and institutional furniture and fixtures (教室、講義および施設用家具および備品)
56130000 Merchandising furniture and accessories (マーチャンダイジング家具および付属品)
56140000 Home furnishing adornments (家庭用家具装飾品)
60000000 Musical Instruments and Games and Toys and Arts and Crafts and Educational Equipment and Materials and Accessories and Supplies (楽器、ゲーム、玩具、芸術、細工および教育の機器、道具、付属品および供給品)
60100000 Developmental and professional teaching aids and materials and accessories and supplies (発育および専門指導補助用具、教材、付属品および供給品)
60110000 Classroom decoratives and supplies (教室内装飾品および供給品)
60120000 Arts and crafts equipment and accessories and supplies (美術および工芸器材、付属品および供給品)
60130000 Musical Instruments and parts and accessories (楽器、パーツおよび付属品)
60140000 Toys and games (おもちゃとゲーム)
70000000 Farming and Fishing and Forestry and Wildlife Contracting Services (農業、漁業、林業および野生動物契約関連サービス)
70100000 Fisheries and aquaculture (漁業と養殖業)
70110000 Horticulture (園芸)
70120000 Livestock services (畜産サービス)
70130000 Land and soil preparation and management and protection (土地および土壌整備、管理および保護)
70140000 Crop production and management and protection (穀物生産、管理および保護)
70150000 Forestry (林業)
70160000 Wildlife and flora (野生動物と植物相)
70170000 Water resources development and oversight (水資源開発および監視)
71000000 Mining and oil and gas services (採鉱、石油、ガス・サービス)
71100000 Mining services (採鉱事業)
71110000 Oil and gas exploration services (石油・ガス調査サービス)
71120000 Well drilling and construction services (坑井掘削建設サービス)
71130000 Oil and gas extraction and production enhancement services (石油およびガス抽出および生産強化サービス)
71140000 Oil and gas restoration and reclamation services (石油およびガス復旧および再生サービス)
71150000 Oil and gas data management and processing services (石油およびガスデータ管理と処理サービス)
71160000 Oil and gas well project management services (石油およびガスガス坑井プロジェクト管理サービス)
72000000 Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services (建物および施設の建設と修繕サービス)
72100000 Building and facility maintenance and repair services (建物および施設の保守と修繕サービス)
72110000 Residential building construction services (住宅用建物建設サービス)
72120000 Nonresidential building construction services (非居住用途用建物建設サービス)
72140000 Heavy construction services (大規模建築物建設サービス)
72150000 Specialized trade construction and maintenance services (特殊工場建設および保守サービス)
73000000 Industrial Production and Manufacturing Services (工業生産および製造サービス)
73100000 Plastic and chemical industries (プラスチックおよび化学産業)
73110000 Wood and paper industries (木材および紙産業)
73120000 Metal and mineral industries (金属およびミネラル産業)
73130000 Food and beverage industries (食品および飲料産業)
73140000 Fibers and textiles and fabric industries (繊維、テキスタイルおよび織物産業)
73150000 Manufacturing support services (製造サポートサービス)
73160000 Machinery and transport equipment manufacture (機械および輸送機器製造業)
73170000 Manufacture of electrical goods and precision instruments (電気製品および精密機器製造)
73180000 Machining and processing services (機械加工および加工サービス)
76000000 Industrial Cleaning Services (産業洗浄サービス)
76100000 Decontamination services (除染サービス)
76110000 Cleaning and janitorial services (清掃サービス)
76120000 Refuse disposal and treatment (ゴミ廃棄および処理)
76130000 Toxic and hazardous waste cleanup (毒性および棄権廃棄物除庫)
77000000 Environmental Services (環境サービス)
77100000 Environmental management (環境マネジメント)
77110000 Environmental protection (環境保護)
77120000 Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation (汚染追跡監視およびリハビリテーション)
77130000 Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services (汚染物質追跡、モニタリングおよびリハビリテーションサービス)
78000000 Transportation and Storage and Mail Services (輸送、保管および郵便サービス)
78100000 Mail and cargo transport (郵便およびカーゴ輸送)
78110000 Passenger transport (乗客輸送)
78120000 Material packing and handling (マテリアルパッキングおよびハンドリング)
78130000 Storage (保管)
78140000 Transport services (輸送サービス)
78180000 Transportation repair or maintenance services (輸送リペア、保守サービス)
80000000 Management and Business Professionals and Administrative Services (経営者、ビジネス専門家および管理サービス)
80100000 Management advisory services (経営アドバイザリーサービス)
80110000 Human resources services (人材サービス)
80120000 Legal services (法務サービス)
80130000 Real estate services (不動産サービス)
80140000 Marketing and distribution (販売および流通)
80150000 Trade policy and services (取引方針およびサービス)
80160000 Business administration services (ビジネス運営管理サービス)
80170000 Public relations and professional communications services (広報およびプロフェッショナル・コミュニケーション・サービス)
81000000 Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services (エンジニアリング、リサーチ、テクノロジーベースサービス)
81100000 Professional engineering services (プロフェッショナルエンジニアリングサービス)
81110000 Computer services (コンピュータサービス)
81120000 Economics (経済)
81130000 Statistics (統計)
81140000 Manufacturing technologies (製造技術)
81150000 Earth science services (地球科学関連サービス)
81160000 Information Technology Service Delivery (情報技術サービス提供)
81170000 Biological science services (生物科学サービス)
82000000 Editorial and Design and Graphic and Fine Art Services (編集、デザイン、グラフィック、およびファインアートサービス)
82100000 Advertising (広告)
82110000 Writing and translations (ライティングおよび翻訳)
82120000 Reproduction services (リプロダクションサービス)
82130000 Photographic services (写真関連サービス)
82140000 Graphic design (グラフィックデザイン)
82150000 Professional artists and performers (職業芸術家およびパーフォーマー)
83000000 Public Utilities and Public Sector Related Services (公益事業および公共部門関連サービス)
83100000 Utilities (ユーティリティ)
83110000 Telecommunications media services (電気通信メディアサービス)
83120000 Information services (情報サービス)
84000000 Financial and Insurance Services (金融および保険サービス)
84100000 Development finance (開発財務)
84110000 Accounting and bookkeeping services (簿記会計サービス)
84120000 Banking and investment (バンキングおよび投資)
84130000 Insurance and retirement services (保険および年金サービス)
84140000 Credit agencies (クレジット会社)
85000000 Healthcare Services (ヘルスケアサービス)
85100000 Comprehensive health services (総合ヘルスサービス)
85110000 Disease prevention and control (病気の防止と管理)
85120000 Medical practice (医療行為)
85130000 Medical science research and experimentation (医学研究および実験)
85140000 Alternative and holistic medicine (代替医療およびホリッティック医学)
85150000 Food and nutrition services (食物および栄養学関連サービス)
85160000 Medical Surgical Equipment Maintenance Refurbishment and Repair Services (医療用手術用器具保全修復サービス)
85170000 Death and dying support services (死者および瀕死者支援サービス)
86000000 Education and Training Services (教育および研修サービス)
86100000 Vocational training (職業訓練)
86110000 Alternative educational systems (その他の教育システム)
86120000 Educational institutions (教育機関)
86130000 Specialized educational services (特化教育サービス)
86140000 Educational facilities (教育施設)
90000000 Travel and Food and Lodging and Entertainment Services (旅行、食事、、宿泊および娯楽サービス)
90100000 Restaurants and catering (レストランおよびケータリング)
90110000 Hotels and lodging and meeting facilities (ホテル、宿泊および会議施設)
90120000 Travel facilitation (旅行の円滑化)
90130000 Performing arts (パフォーミングアート)
90140000 Commercial sports (商業スポーツ)
90150000 Entertainment services (娯楽サービス)
91000000 Personal and Domestic Services (個人または家庭向けサービス)
91100000 Personal appearance (個人行動)
91110000 Domestic and personal assistance (家庭および個人の生活便宜)
92000000 National Defense and Public Order and Security and Safety Services (国防、治安、保安および安全サービス)
92100000 Public order and safety (治安および保安)
92110000 Military services and national defense (軍サービスおよび国防)
92120000 Security and personal safety (警備と個人の安全)
93000000 Politics and Civic Affairs Services (政治および民事サービス)
93100000 Political systems and institutions (政治システムおよび機関)
93110000 Socio political conditions (社会政治的情勢)
93120000 International relations (国際関係)
93130000 Humanitarian aid and relief (人道援助および救援)
93140000 Community and social services (地域および社会活動)
93150000 Public administration and finance services (行政および財政業務)
93160000 Taxation (課税)
93170000 Trade policy and regulation (商取引政策および規制)
94000000 Organizations and Clubs (組織とクラブ)
94100000 Work related organizations (業務関連組織)
94110000 Religious organizations (宗教組織)
94120000 Clubs (クラブ)
94130000 Civic organizations and associations and movements (市民組織、援助、および運動)
95000000 Land and Buildings and Structures and Thoroughfares (土地および建築物、構造体、道路)
95100000 Land parcels (筆地)
95110000 Thoroughfares (道路)
95120000 Permanent buildings and structures (常設建築物および構造体)
95130000 Portable buildings and structures (簡易建築物および構造体)
95140000 Prefabricated buildings and structures (プレハブ建築物および構造体)